To Write or to Research…

Research can be a never-ending path through a beautiful meadow.
Research can be a never-ending path through a beautiful meadow.

I love to do research on just about any topic, but it doesn’t feel like writing. I know it is part of the publishing process, but when my goal is to put 500 words or more into the computer each day research takes away from that.

Most of my research is done on the internet and the internet is like a bag of Ruffles potato chips with a side of French onion dip. I only plan on eating a few and then next thing I know the bag is empty and I feel awful. With the internet I only plan to look up one thing and then three hours has flown by and I feel guilty. I had a lot of fun, but it didn’t improve my writing.

I am now at a point in one project where I have to do research. A lot of research. As I said I like to do research but right now I’d rather be writing. So I have posted a list next to my laptop to keep me from getting lost in the research. I get lost often and need all the help I can get.

My research plan:

1) Set a timer. I use timers for lots of projects. It stops me from wandering forever.

2) Use the 3-click rule. I didn’t make this up but it works when I remember to use it. Essentially I only click on three links for any one search. If I can’t find my answer after three clicks I probably need to refine my search.

3) Be aware of what you are researching. I made a list of what I need to know so I don’t click on something just because it looks interesting. If I want to look at it later I bookmark it but don’t read it right then.

4) Keep the character in mind. I might find something interesting to me but is it important to my character? If the answer is no then I move on.

5) Do you need more than a tidbit? It may be interesting to learn about the history of the Roman Empire but maybe all I need is the name of one emperor. I try to pick out the one fact and resist the pull of the whole story.

6) Copy and paste. Researching is like picking apples off of trees. I might glance at the apple as I grab it to make sure it’s not rotten but I wouldn’t decide which are pie apples and which are cider apples. I just pick the apples and put them in the basket. During my research I try to not examine any information too carefully. I just bookmark the site or copy and paste the information into a Word document. I can then comb through it later and figure out where the information goes in my story.

With this list I should be able to finish my research in a timely manner and get back to increasing my word count. It would be nice to find a balance because all research does not make Jennifer a published author.

“Research is creating new knowledge.” – Neil Armstrong

My 2014 Writing Goals

IMG_2654I consider myself an expert at setting goals. I may not always meet them but I can make a great list of goals that meet all the criteria of a doable goal. However, when it comes to my writing I flounder. I think of goals and then discard them as not quite right. I’ve been doing this for a long time and I am getting frustrated. I want to move out of this quagmire and have decided to hash it out once and for all.

One of my problems is that I am fantastic at starting writing projects but I am horrible at finishing and shipping my projects. I have a lot of cool first drafts but I choke when it comes to editing and sending them out. My goal is obviously not to write and leave it in my laptop so I need to focus on completing the projects I already have.

Most of my projects are large. Some are novels, some are series, some are writing projects I am clueless about completing. I am excited about all of them but they feel neverending and if I made them my goal I would have to break these projects down into smaller parts. I know I can do it but it is hard when I don’t know what I need to know.

I have many projects and I feel that most of them could have some success. It is hard to pick one to start on. I pick one and then change my mind the next day. This leap frog game I play means that nothing gets done.

Writing is not a problem. I am writing at least 500 words a day thanks to Project 200. She suggests 200 words a day but I can do that in about 5 minutes so I adjusted the number. However, I often write stuff that is never going to be read by anyone. I find it fun to just start a story without having to figure anything out. I just write to write. I end up with a lot of beginnings but no endings.

Maybe I need to focus on endings instead of projects. Perhaps I need to plan to finish some of my projects but not worry about which project gets finished. I’ll make a list of all my projects and I won’t worry about how much I have left to do on them. Instead I’ll write down what makes each project complete. What is the ending? In most cases the end will be when the piece is published but that can mean many different things depending on the project.

So what is my writing goal for 2014? I want to reach the end of ten projects. It doesn’t matter which projects, the only thing that matters is reaching the finish line. Oh, I like that better. I like to run half marathons so I am no stranger to the finish line. I want to reach the finish line of ten projects. Perhaps I’ll come up with a medal I can give myself whenever I reach a finish line. Perfect.

I hope you reach your goals in 2014. We all have finish lines in our lives. DNF is not an option.

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.” Abraham Lincoln