I don’t know if movies about writers could be considered a genre but over the years there have been a more than a few. From Stranger than Fiction to Adaptation, writers are portrayed as an odd lot. Even in movies like Moulin Rouge and Romancing the stone, the writers are a few chapters short of a best seller.
I’m not saying this new movie portrays writers any saner, because fiction is often stranger than truth, but I think they definitely nailed the crazy things that can happen as a writer tries to get published. Authors Anonymous tells the story of a group of writers as they pursue their publishing dreams. From mega-success to mega-failure it is an interesting look at the writing and publishing world.
I think the movie looks pretty funny and it has quite a few good actors in it. My favorite is Kaley Cuoco, best known for playing Penny in the Big Bang Theory. I don’t know if I’ll see this in the theater but I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for it on DVD. Then I’ll show it to all my relatives who don’t understand why my writing hasn’t made me as rich as Richard Castle.
“I Am Certain There is Too Much Certainty in the World.”
– Michael Crichton