I am a fan of the TV show Castle. As a struggling writer I find the idea that I could become a best-selling author, like Richard Castle, and live in a penthouse in New York City very appealing.
I love it when my TV shows blend with the real world so I was excited to see that the two series mentioned on the show were actual books that I could read. Nikki Heat came out as full length books at the same time that they were being published on the TV show. Very cool. The books were very popular so someone must have decided to publish the Derek Storm novels also. This is a trickier proposition because Richard Castle killed Derek Storm in his last novel and no longer writes that series.
Luckily, no one seemed to care. The first three Derek Storm novels were released as eBook novellas. I enjoyed them a lot. Other people must have also because the fourth book came out in print and more are coming. Hooray!
Who is Richard Castle?
This is a great question. Richard Castle is a fictional character played by Nathan Fillion on Castle. The writers of this show have created a fictional history for Richard Castle, including all the awards that he has won for the Derek Storm novels. He is apparently a well-read author with millions of books sold. I wouldn’t disagree with this since I enjoy the Derek Storm novels but I don’t feel the need to list all of his accomplishments here since he is as fictional as Derek Storm. I do love the concept of a fictional character writing fictional books. They could keep going and have Derek Storm write books during his retirement. Fictional authors writing fiction could be a never-ending cycle.
Why do I love this series?
All books have a rhythm. Some plod and some race but a few feel like they are a TV show or movie in book format. The The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown has that feel. The chapters are laid out like movie scenes and I felt I was reading an elaborate script. The Derek Storm novels have that same rhythm. The scenes are short and the characters have pithy dialogue so I almost feel like I am reading a television show. This is not a bad thing. The pace is fast and that makes the action seem very immediate and hard hitting. I wouldn’t be surprised if TV script writers were writing these books.
I often have to read in small chunks as I am waiting for someone or on a break so I love books with short chapters and a storyline that moves quickly. That is one reason why I devoured the Derek Storm novels. I could pick them up and put them down and not wonder where I had left off. Plus the characters are interesting. I won’t say they are overly complicated but they are more than just caricatures. I enjoy reading books that entertain me and this series definitely did.
This is a series that I would read in order. Start with the three e-novellas, A Brewing Storm, A Raging Storm
, and A Bloody Storm (each only 1.99 on Amazon) and then read the full-length novels. I would say they are perfect escape fiction.
No book is perfect. This is what bugs me…
The Derek Storm novels are non-stop adventures and I am impressed by the tight writing. I just wish I knew who was actually writing these books. Is it the writers of the show, Castle? Is it one guy who does nothing but write Richard Castle books? Does the same person write the Derek Storm and Nikki Heat novels? I don’t know and I would like to find out. It is cute to say that Richard Castle writes these books but some hard-working writer is actually responsible and I would love to give that person or group credit.
Why should you read this book?
If you like quick-paced James Bond-style plots with lots of witty dialogue and intrigue then the Derek Storm novels are a sure hit. They are not literature but they are definitely an entertaining read. Plus when you watch Castle you can feel like one of his devoted readers and immerse yourself in the fictional world of Richard Castle.
A Quote Worth Quoting
Showers took a deep breath and said, “At this moment, I would love to shoot you.”
He stopped in front of the Marriott. “How about a Taser?” He said. “If it really makes you feel better. Richard Castle A Raging Storm