For the month of February I am going to review a mystery novel or series each day. There is a slight bias here since I am only recommending books that I love to read and have read many times. I figured since February is the month of love that this would be a great project to try out.
I have three goals for this project. One, I want to write 28 book reviews, or one a day. Two. I want to improve how I write book reviews so they will get a reader interested enough to read the book. And three, I want to spread the joy of reading by suggesting books that I believe any reader will love. To reach my goals I need feedback. I invite all my readers to leave helpful comments and book recommendations of their own.
Throughout my life I have read many types of mysteries so I will be reviewing everything from cozies to cops and from kids to classics. Perhaps you will discover a mystery in a sub-genre you have never read before. I love exploring new sub-genres and am rarely disappointed.
The entire list with links to each review will be on the “I love This Mystery” page so you can easily find information about a book that interests you. I hope you enjoy learning about some great mysteries and perhaps you’ll discover, or rediscover, an author that you will fall in love with, also.
Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read. Groucho Marx